Teaching Our Youth’s Mission Statement

To help people to understand themselves and others in order to build better teams and improve relationships in the classroom and at home.

Karen Wagnon

Founder, Teaching Our Youth, Master Trainer, Author

Having heard Dr. Robert Rohm present personality styles at a business seminar, I began to connect the dots as to why I was having challenges in parenting my oldest son Kyle. It was almost as though Dr. Rohm had been listening in to the daily interactions in my home: power struggles, control battles, and defiance. At that moment I knew I needed more information on how to adapt my parenting style to reduce conflict in my home. Completing the Basic Studies course through Personality Insights and the Insights Institute in Atlanta, Georgia, in 2002, I began sharing this information with ministry and parenting organizations. A few years later I was contacted by the principal at my children’s school to present personality information to the staff. This opened the door to present personality information to additional schools and at educator and principal’s conferences. I continued on to complete Advanced Studies and am now a Master Trainer through Personality Insights. In 2004, I founded Teaching Our Youth. I have also completed advanced studies on Education with Insight, with the Fitzgerald Institute. As a Love and Logic® facilitator, I have been able to transform schools and families with a philosophy that builds mutual respect between the adult and children.

Mark Wagnon

Co-Founder, Teaching Our Youth, Master Trainer

One of the greatest tools I possess is the understanding of human behavior. Having completed Basic and Advanced Studies through Personality Insights, I have worked with leaders, teams, individuals with the vision and mission to lead, guide and help others to get better results in their professional and personal lives. As a co-founder and facilitator with Teaching Our Youth I present Love and Logic® and human behavior training with school systems working with principals, educators and parents to bring about improved results for the students and children. Having the tools and strategies to implement communication and collaboration skills will reduce stress, improve productivity and improve relationships. My wife, Karen and I have 7 children. We are a blended family with 4 being my children and 3 are Karen’s children. We also have 8 grandchildren. Understanding human behavior and being willing to adapt and apply what we know has given us the best foundation for our relationships, personally and professionally. We can do this for you too.


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