Teaching Our Youth understands the importance of the partnership between parents and teachers for our student’s academic success. If you have more than one child, you know how different each child can be: their behaviors, interests, communication and learning style. Parenting is not a one size fits all philosophy. By helping parents understand themselves, and the personalities of their children, they can better adapt their parenting style to meet the internal/emotional needs of their children, to reduce conflict and develop better relationships and increase academic performance.

“Your children need your presence more than your presents.”

Jesse Jackson


Solving the People Puzzle

Parenting by Design

  • Learn about personality types based on “pace” and “priority”.

  • Identify parent’s traits and expectations.

  • Identify child’s personality/behavior traits.

  • Learn basic needs and motivational factors that influence behavior, decision making and communication styles.

  • Discover tips on how to adapt your parenting to meet needs in advance and reduce stress and conflict.

Parenting with Love and Logic®

  • Avoid power struggles while setting limits with challenging kids.

  • Help end arguing and back talk.

  • Teach Character and Responsibility through the application of logical consequences instead of punishment.

  • Guide kids to solve their own problems.

  • Develop healthy ways to guide your child without resorting to anger, threats and power struggles.

  • Help children grow from childhood through independent adolescence.

  • Roots of Underachievement- Causes and Lasting Solutions

Roots of Underachievement – Causes and Lasting

  • Understanding beliefs that shape achieving and under achieving behavior.

  • Identify Four Steps to creating healthy beliefs about achievement.

  • Develop solutions and interventions to solve the underachiever problem.

  • Empower your students’ self-esteem to believe they can succeed.

Ask about the Chaos to Confident Parenting Virtual Boot Camp.

Call 734-547-8502 for more information.

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