The hardest thing about leadership is leading!

Knowing how you lead and why people follow is essential to building effective, motivated and productive teams. Every personality style can lead, but how they lead will be different. Teaching Our Youth will take you on a journey of self- discovery in a way that will allow you to not only understand your leadership style, but effectively develop leaders on your team for peak performance. By using the DISCovery Report Personalized Assessment you will be provided guides to understand your strengths, motivation, decision making and communication styles. You will also receive detailed “how to” guides that provide specific ways to lead others according to their personality style.

“ Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others . ”

Jack Welch



  • Explore your Personal Intelligence by understanding your External Behaviors and Internal Motives and Drives.

  • Examine personality types based on “pace” and “priority” in order to have a better awareness of yourself and your leadership style.

  • Understand your current leadership style and how others may perceive your style.

  • Examine your Strengths and Blind Spots as a leader and develop a growth plan for improvement.

  • Understand issues that cause stress and apply strategies for a more balanced lifestyle. Team@Work

  • Understand the individuals on your team and see the value each member brings towards the success of the “educational team”.

  • Learn ways to encourage individuals on the team.

  • Understand how to utilize each person’s talents and abilities for greater productivity, reduced stress, and increased staff retention.

  • Transform attitudes to get the best out of your team.

Conflict Resolution@Work

  • Increase productivity and decrease conflict by understanding the different aspects of each personality style.

  • Differentiate and understand the different types of conflict: intrapersonal, interpersonal, personal-role, personal-group.

  • Discover and evaluate differences in expectations and the conflict cycle.

  • Analyze and apply conflict responses based on personality style.

  • Develop and apply negotiating strategies.

  • Define and create your negotiation style in resolving conflict.

Leading Change – Resistance to Assistance

  • Determine your personality/leadership style through a self-scoring, on-line assessment.

  • Gain an awareness of your individual leadership style as it relates to motivation, communication and decision making.

  • Identify challenges and apply appropriate strategies for more productive outcomes when leading through change.

  • Develop a Strategic Change Plan for implementing a change in their school to ensure a smooth and successful change.

Teaching Our Youth can customize workshops to meet your specific needs: time, budget and objectives.

Call 734-547-8502 for more information.

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