FAQ - How does The Parenting Blueprint for Schools Work?

The Parenting Blueprint™ is an online, self-paced course designed to help parents develop an action plan for transforming their parenting approach. This course is intended for school leaders to recommend to parents who are seeking guidance and support in their parenting journey.

The course is delivered entirely online, meaning that parents can complete it from the comfort of their own home and at their own pace. The curriculum is designed to be interactive, engaging, and easy to follow, with practical tips and strategies that parents can implement immediately.

The course is taught by Karen Wagnon, a human behavior specialist with over 20 years of experience, who understands the complexities of raising children in today's world. The course consists of easy-to-follow lessons that cover a range of topics, including:

  • Strengths, Struggles and Strategies of Parenting Different Personality Styles
  • Effective Communication
  • Setting and Maintaining Boundaries
  • Discipline VS Punishment
  • Building Confidence and Self Esteem
  • Parenting on the Same Page (Co-Parenting)
The goal of the course is to help parents identify their parenting strengths and weaknesses, and to develop a personalized action plan for transforming their parenting approach. This involves reflecting on their parenting style, examining their communication patterns, setting goals, and implementing new strategies that align with their values and parenting goals.
Parents who complete the course will have a clearer understanding of their parenting strengths and weaknesses, and will have developed an Action Plan for improving their parenting skills. They will also have access to a community of like-minded parents who are also on a journey of transformation.
While the course is designed to be completed independently, it can also be done in a group setting with facilitation from a school guidance counselor, social worker, or psychologist. This can be especially helpful for parents who benefit from additional support and guidance as they work through the course material.
The Parenting Blueprint™ is a valuable resource for school leaders to recommend to parents who are seeking guidance and support in their parenting journey with additional guidance provided by support staff.

FAQ - How do you get parents involved in taking The Parenting Blueprint™ course?

Schools can get parents involved in taking the Parenting Blueprint™

course in several ways:

Promote the Course:
Schools can promote the Parenting Blueprint course through various channels such as school websites, newsletters, social media, and parent-teacher conferences. They can highlight the benefits of the course, such as helping parents to develop new strategies for improving their parenting skills.
Offer the Course:
Schools can offer the Parenting Blueprint course as part of their parent education programs. They can also make the course available to parents on the school's learning management system or provide access to computers and internet connections for parents who do not have access to them.
Organize Group Sessions:
Schools can organize group sessions for parents who want to take the course together. This can be done through the school's counseling or parent engagement department. Group sessions provide a space for parents to discuss and reflect on the course material together and support each other in their parenting journey.
Collaborate with Parent Associations:
Schools can collaborate with parent associations to promote the course and encourage participation. Parent associations can help to spread the word about the course and organize group sessions for parents.
Provide Incentives:
Schools can provide incentives for parents who complete the course, such as certificates of completion or recognition at parent-teacher conferences. These incentives can motivate parents to take the course and complete it.
Schools can get parents involved in taking the Parenting Blueprint course by promoting it, offering it as part of their parent education programs, organizing group sessions, collaborating with parent associations, and providing incentives for completion. We can help by providing all the promotional copy and templates to make your life easier and the program successful.

By encouraging parents to take the course, schools can help to create a supportive and engaged parent community.


Want to Learn More?
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