Today's Articles!

Welcome to The Parenting Blueprint™ Newsletter.
Let’s dive in and start exploring the exciting world of parenting through the lens of personality styles!

The Power of Emotional Connection

By: Karen Wagnon
November 16, 2023

Children have an innate desire to be seen, heard, and understood. As parents, it's our responsibility to meet our child's emotional needs and create a...

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10 Ways to Communicate with Your Teen

By: Karen Wagnon
March 2024

Parenting teenagers can be a challenging yet rewarding journey. I personally found it difficult when they pushed away for more independence and self identity. I knew...

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Transforming Sibling Squabbles: The Power of Affirmation Statements

By: Karen Wagnon
October 26, 2023

How do I get my kids to stop fighting? It's a question that echoes in the minds of parents everywhere. Sibling fights can leave you feeling exhausted and...

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Building Bridges: The DISC Model as the Cornerstone for Effective Communication in the Workplace

By: Karen Wagnon
April 08, 2024

In the bustling world of business, where every interaction counts, effective communication serves as the foundation for success. Imagine a workplace where every...

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Connecting Through Communication: Building Strong Bonds with Your Kids

By: Karen Wagnon
September 21, 2023

Effective communication is crucial in building strong relationships with your children. However, different personality styles may require different...

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Unleashing Your Inner Parenting Superpowers

By: Karen Wagnon
August 24, 2023

Every parent has a unique parenting style that is influenced by their personality and life experiences. In this Issue, we will explore different parenting styles and...

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Cracking the Code: Deciphering Your Child's Personality Styles

By: Karen Wagnon
July 27, 2023

The DISC model of human behavior is a powerful tool that helps us understand the four primary personality styles: Dominant, Inspiring, Supportive, and Cautious. In...

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Parenting by Design: Unleashing the Power of Personality

By: Karen Wagnon
June 29, 2023

Let’s dive in and start exploring the exciting world of parenting through the lens of personality styles!

Parenting is a challenging and rewarding journey that...

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